Tuesday, October 21, 2008

In God We Trust? Who is We?

“In God We Trust” is the state motto of Florida. The Bill making it so was signed by Jeb Bush in 2006. How is it that in a country founded to ensure that the government makes no laws, etc. favoring any religion allows a state to have in its motto, the word “God?” I guess if it’s good enough for the nation, it’s good enough for Florida.

How can it be that our national motto and the motto of the state of Florida is “In God We Trust?” In my estimation, that is showing favoritism. This country was not founded as a religious country. In fact, many of our founding fathers were atheist and agnostic. However, not even 200 years after the founding of this country, in our fervor to prove ourselves superior to any other country, we decided to make ourselves known as favored by God by adding the phrase “one nation under God” to our pledge. Soon after, we adopted it as our National motto. Even if there were a God, how arrogant do you have to be to make such an assumption?

It comes as no surprise that Governor Jeb Bush would pass the Bill allowing this to become the official state motto. If George Bush doesn’t understand the principles upon which this country was founded, why would Jeb? Who can forget the day, back in 1987, when George W. Bush, while campaigning for the presidency, was interviewed by Robert Sherman of the American Atheist? Sherman said to Bush “Surely you recognize the equal citizenship and patriotism of Americans who are atheists.” Bush responded by saying “No, I don’t know that atheists should be considered as citizens nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God.”

There are many American citizens who would whole-heartedly disagree with this. It isn’t just atheists either. There are several people who hold religious beliefs who do not believe in God. The state of Florida and our country need to seriously consider remembering the ideals upon which this country was founded. One of the most important of which was “separation of church and state.”

Copyright 2008 Trina Hoaks

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